What are blended families? Blended families are marked by the absence of a traditional family structure and are formulated from life’s difficult circumstances. With failed marriages soaring across the nation, the most common derivative of a blended family is divorce. However, it is imperative to recognize that divorce is not the only derivative. There are many other painful situations that contribute to the makeup of a blended family; the death of a parent or both, adoption, rape, birth out of wedlock and abandonment. Regardless of which avenue a blended family came into existence…the members all share a common bond…LOSS. Whether it is the loss of a marriage, loved one, self or dream, emptiness lurks deep within the souls of the wounded. Their personal existence becomes questioned and life becomes a tormentor of one’s worth. Ultimately, peace is an unattainable concept and happiness is only for “others”.

Through the great loss experienced in our own lives, we have answered the call to aid in the restoration of individuals and families who are left to start over again. Starting over again is a huge challenge in itself, and can bring with it the heavy hand of discouragement. “Blended by the Blood” recognizes the overwhelming lack of support for these special families within the church. It recognizes the stigma that has been attached to these families and the unique challenges they face, not only within themselves, but unfortunately within the “Body of Christ”. This ministry provides hope and a new life through the blood of Christ. It unveils the truth of God’s word; exposing deceptive doctrines and the misinterpretation of scriptures…two major components that are defeating God’s people; paralyzing them from fulfilling His call in their lives. 

Using biblical based principles and the transforming power of Jesus Christ, “Blended by the Blood” addresses the many issues that fosters division and opposes unity within these families. It provides scriptural guidelines towards oneness and eradicates the “step relationship” mentality that is ravaging blended families across the globe. Every book and article we’ve researched, whether it is secular or Christian has adopted this defeating mindset; launching already wounded families on a path of certain destruction. It is time to embrace one another as Christ embraced us. Jesus states in Mark 3:33-35, "Who is My mother, or My brothers?" And He looked around in a circle at those who sat about Him, and said, "Here are My mother and My brothers! For whoever does the will of God is My brother and My sister and mother." How can we call each other brother and sister at Sunday services, then turn to a God-given relationship, entrusted into our care, and refer to them as “step”? It is time to take on the mindset of God, the Father, as scripture depicts in Galatians 4:6 And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father. How can we yearn to be fully recognized and accepted by God as His son or daughter, but send painful messages of inferiority to others?

In addition, through the “Blended by the Blood” message, the church is admonished to take a deeper look at the redemptive gospel of Jesus Christ. It respectfully encourages the brethren to fully acknowledge the power and purpose of His blood and the reconciliation of genuine repentance. Time is short and we are asking the church to lift the cloak of oppression that has been placed upon these families, namely those who have suffered the tragedy of divorce. The Word states clearly in multiple passages …And their sins and iniquities will I remember no more. (Jer 31:34, Heb 8:12, Heb 10:17, Rom 4:7) It is critical to the furtherance of the Gospel that we ask ourselves, “How dare we remember, what God has forgotten?” Wouldn’t it be a terrible thing, if one day we stood before the Lord and heard, “Depart from Me…” because His will to reconcile the lost and brokenhearted was ignored? 

With the divorce rate in the church hitting well over 50%, we must respond to this very present need. We are long overdue! The divorce rate coupled with the death toll and other contributing statistics, catapults the blended family percentages into the top percentile of American families. The majority of those calling themselves believers are currently from some sort of broken and/or blended home. Not only do we want to see them restored, but we also want to see them equipped to go forth and reach out to those that are in the same situation. 

Relying on scripture as the infallible Word of God, it is only fit to recognize the ULTIMATE EXAMPLE of a blended family born forth from Divinity…Joseph, Mary and Jesus, the Son of God. Though this family did not derive from a destructive variable, it faced many obstacles and challenges as they depended wholly on God for direction and protection. Their individual devotion to God and joint commitment to His will produced the greatest living ministry of all time…JESUS CHRIST. Blended families must be mindful of the greater purpose that has been planned out of personal pain. Seek God diligently in order to fulfill this greater purpose in life and always remember…What the devil meant for evil; God meant for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive. (Principle from Genesis 50:20).
